Saturday, September 02, 2006

Keeping up with family and friends

I have been told that there are many of you who would like to be better informed about our lives and how we are doing. So I've concluded a blog is the most effective and convenient way to keep in touch with those who love us.

We have just begun our fourth year in China! The first three years have come and gone so quickly that we still feel like newcomers. However, we have had many changes during these few years. We've jumped into life in a new culture. We've taught lots of English. We've attempted to learn Mandarin Chinese. We've adjusted to a new way of life. Our son, Josiah, was born. Almost two years later Amelia, our daughter was born. We've been able to do a little traveling. We've had our horizens broadened, our faith challenged, and our love strengthened. We've made many, many friends, both numerous Chinese and other fello expats from all over the world. We've made several short trips back to the States to visit family, see friends, and get recharged. We've learned to study. We've learned to teach. We've learned to economize and budget. Most of all we've learned to pray.

I hope these simple reports will better help you to understand our daily life, our current situation, and our purpose. We would love to read comments you'd like to make. If you don't know how to use an RSS feed, let me know. It will help you to know when I post new comments without needing to go to our webpage.

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