The Maricle Family in China

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Josiah starts homeschooling

Josiah has finished his first full week of official studies. After talking with other families and doing some research, we've decided for Josiah to use Bob Jones' video school. So far, Josiah has done great. He loves the teachers and is already learning.

We had ordered to curriculum a several months ago, but we'd had it shipped to Korea to Mom Tatum's house. Now that we're here, Becky decided not to wait to get Josiah started.

This marks the beginning of a new and tremendous challenge for us--especially Becky. Oh, how I praise the Lord even more for providing me with a diligent wife!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Relaxing in Korea

During the Chinese New Year season, Beijing goes into hibernation. All the migrant workers, college students, and most other non-Beijingers return to their home towns for a month. We decided to use this time to get away ourselves. With Becky's dad and mom so close by working in Korea, it was very convenient for us to head over to Daegu to see them. It was a very fun, refreshing visit for us all. Josiah and Amelia have begun to associate going to Korea with going to a perfect place where everything is fun, joy, harmony, and Halmony (That's Korean for Grandma.).

On the ferry from Tianjin to Inchon

Sledding Day
William Sledding

Becky Sledding

Josiah Sledding

Fun in the snow

Josiah and Amelia are ready for church.

We don't have a TV at our home, so Josiah and Amelia were mesmerized when they had the chance to watch cartoons Grandpa bought them.

We celebrated Chinese New Year Korean style. Welcome to the Year of the Rat!

In Seoul, we observed the fourteenth anniversary of Great Halmony's passing with family.

Grandpa bought Josiah his first bike.

This one is just too hard to explain.

Our Christmas season

On the Saturday before Christmas , we invited several dozen friends to our home to celebrate the Savior's birth. Our little apartment was packed with people. We sang Christmas carols, and munched on snacks. Together with several other believers, we put on a simple but effective play recounting Christ's birth. I was a Wise Man, and Becky played the piano. Afterwards, a Chinese Christian brother shared the Gospel of the significance of Jesus' birth, death, and resurrection. Lastly, we had a "white elephant" gift exchange, which everyone enjoyed. We were the happiest sardines in Beijing.

The next day we took several of our brothers and sisters to another celebration with a couple of other groups in the banquet room of a restaurant. Once again, we sang Christmas songs and ate a delicious meal. Several brothers shared with us some thoughts from the Bible. Toward the end we played some hilarious games. The fellowship was sweet.

On Christmas day we made our annual trip to Outback Steakhouse for lunch. Every year we meet together with a group of our foreign friends on Christmas. This year Becky organized it. Everyone brought a gift for one other person. I received a much needed leather wallet. Josiah and Amelia busied themselves with the other kids sharing presents. Becky and I have enjoyed each time we have been able to enjoy Christmas with our wonderful friends. While the steak was good, the fellowship was even better.

When we got home, it was time to open our gifts. I do not know how the Lord did it again, but there under our little, fake Christmas tree was a huge pile of gifts representing the love of Papa and Nana Maricle, Grandma and Grandpa Tatum, Auntie Tricia, Auntie Bethany, Aunt Debra and Uncle Ron, and each other. Becky, being Becky, wanted to dispose of the wrapping paper each time a gift was opened. William, being William, thought it would be more fun to let the paper pile up throughout the gift opening process so as to create an exciting mess. My ever patient wife indulged me strange desires once again, and soon our living room was strewn with paper, presents, boxes, and fun. Once finished, we now had to clean our beautiful mess. Then we enjoyed a warm, cozy evening as a family putting together new toys and marveling at the blessings of God on our life.