Thursday, November 29, 2007

Our busy Autumn

Our autumn has been exceedingly busy. Not only have our 'classes' on the weekends commenced and our 'studies' throughout the week continued, but we also found time for some other special moments.

During the Autumn season, the foliage around Beijing is pretty. However, there is a park in the hills in the northwest corner of Beijing that blazes with fall colors. It is called Fragrant Hills. We decided to go with a group of friends on a picnic to the park. The only practical day for everyone to go was on Saturday. Unfortunately, a significant portion of Beijing's population also found that day to be the most practical. As a result the all buses going in that direction were packed with people. Once at the park, the lines to get tickets were enormously long. People were everywhere. Once inside we had a delightful picnic with food and games. On our previous visit to Fragrant Hills, Josiah had to be rushed to the hospital. This time, we escaped such disasters. We thoroughly enjoyed our time at the park. Getting home was an adventure all in itself. Even after walking to a more remote bus stop, we had a very difficult time getting on a bus to go home because of all people.

The next highlight of our Fall was Mom Tatum's visit. Though she probably should have just rested, we went out on the town. One evening, we went to a Kengfu play. We ate at a variety of delicious Chinese, Korean, and Western restaurant including one that very special evening where we pulled all the stops and went all out. When her time with us was up, we hated to let Mom go. Once again, I think we sent her home with tired eyes, a full tummy, and a happy heart.

Becky's Uncle and Aunt from Korea came to Beijing for a short trip. He is a medical doctor and was attending a conference in Beijing. Though their schedule was very full, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner with them. They were a great encouragement to us.

In November, Radford Wong popped back in for a week. He is getting to be a regular in Beijing, so he didn't need my services as a guide much. Lord willing, he will be coming in the next few monthes to live in Beijing and study Mandarin.

Serving the Lord and living by faith can never be called dull. You won't be hearing the Maricle family complain of boredom anytime soon.


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