The Maricle Family in China

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You've got to feel bad for the guy in Lane 2!

Have you ever felt like you are the guy in lane 2? 

This is a photo I took of the track at a preschool in Beijing.

Presently, I reading through the book of Job in the Bible. For awhile, he certainly felt the guy in lane 2. If you feel like you, too, are in lane 2, check out the last chapter of Job and see how it all turned out. Keep running!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello Again!

They (whomever "they" are) say that you shouldn't begin a post with "I'm sorry. I know it has been so long since the last time I posted," but really, it has been a year since our last post and that is far too long! So, I am terribly sorry. I know it has been so long since our last post! =) To sum up the past year, we are alive, a year older and doing so well! See, that was easy! And now for the present...

I am supposed to be lesson planning right now, but blogging seems much more exciting. And I couldn't help the urge to blog since I wanted to take the moment to point out where my wonderful little family is. I glanced out the window a bit ago and as a mommy would, my eyes scan the courtyard area outside our apartment for our two little ones. I spot our little man running and our little miss just a few feet behind him, trying with all she can to stay up with her big brother. I then look around to see where my wonderful husband is and I see him crouching behind a tree about 40 feet away. The kids get closer and closer to him and Daddy leaps up and starts running, with two little ones close behind him. Then the game of tag begins and they try with all their might to catch their fast Daddy. I giggle and remember again how truly blessed I am with my sweet little family! 

Our lives are busy with ministry, teaching at universities, homeschooling and being a family, and it is a life we so very much love! 

Tomorrow, we have a guest coming over for dinner. So, we have family night tonight. We get to go out to a restaurant for dinner. I'm secretly hoping for McDonalds, of course.