Friday, September 29, 2006

Amelia's first birthday

Tuesday, we celebrated Amelia's first birthday. The Laterza family invited us to celebrate at their home. So off we went.

We took the bus to the light rail station where we met Kenny, a coworker of mine.

For dinner Mrs. Laterza made Fajitas. What a heavenly feast!

After dinner, Amelia opened her presents.

She got a doll, building block playset, shoes, and a new dress.

Her favorite gift was definitely a toy cell phone from Valerie Laterza.

Then we sang happy birthday and presented Amelia her cake, another masterpiece of Mrs. Laterza's creativity.

Amelia wasn't quite sure what to do with a cute Pooh cake and seven people standing around watching her, but she soon figured out her role as the birthday girl. She gave us lots of laughs as she 'oohed' and 'ahed' over every bite.

Her preferred method of eating was to eliminate all middlemen. Forks, knives, chopsticks, and even hands were too cumbersome. She just stuck her face straight in the cake and enjoyed.

She even shared some with Daddy.

Everybody enjoyed a piece (or two) of cake. Josiah even took a break from his cars to indulge.

Then Mama took over and cleaned up her Princess.

She emerged wearing her new oufit: shoes, tights, dress, and all.

Everyone had a wonderful time. The Laterzas were so gracious, and the fellowship was sweet.


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