Friday, October 19, 2007

Becky is teaching again.

With the kids in preschool, Becky has decided to begin teaching again. The school our kids attend doesn't currently need a foreign teacher, so Becky has begun working at a different preschool. It is a prestigious, well-run little preschool in the heart of Beijing

She teaches four mornings a week for two and half hours each time. She loves the school, her colleagues, the students, and teaching youngsters in general. Her late evenings have turned into preparation time for her classes.

The only drawback is the travel time involved in getting to and from the school. Her mornings consist of getting the kids ready, sending them to preschool, riding her bike to the subway station, riding the train for fifty minutes, catching another bus for a short ride, and walking to the the school. Coming home requires the same pattern in reverse. The amount of travel time is less than ideal, but she utilizes it wisely by reading her Bible, praying, and such like.

She has passed up many opportunities to teach fulltime and making quite a lot of money. However, she is already busy enough at home being a wife, mother, hostess... She's amazing!


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