Friday, September 07, 2007

First week back teaching

Well, I am back to work. This year I am contracted to only teach three days a week. This will provide me with time to study and do other important things.

My first week has been a little strange. It seems my department, the International College, is being phased out. The few students that were left decided to abandon ship as well. So, basically, I had no students to teach.

Soon I will be assigned new classes. Although I will miss my students, this may end up being a big help to me. In the International College, we were down to only one class, which meant I needed to prepare a new lesson for every class instead of reusing the same one over and over. Now I may only need to prepare a few lessons each week.

It seems things change often and without warning in China. I have learned the most valuable trait to have while working here is flexibility. I have to exercise it often.


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