Monday, February 12, 2007

Vacation in America

Two days before Christmas we arrived back in California. Then we enjoyed a wonderfully refreshing month in America! Our time was packed. Our bellies were broadened. Our hearts were filled.

Dad and Bethany met us at the airport. After an absence of a year and a half, driving through San Francisco and over the Golden Gate Bridge toward home felt so good. We all had a fun ride together full of warm conversation. Of course, we made our customary stop for a fastfood lunch at Taco Bell. It felt so good to spend time with those we love so much.

It was Becky's first Christmas with the whole Maricle family, and what a blessed Christmas it turned out to be. Once again God had provided the means for there to be an adundance of gifts under the tree. Fun!!!

On Christmas Eve, we came home from church and each unwrapped one gift. I think everyone's biggest thrill was watching the kids unwrap their gifts.

After a leisurely morning and a delicious breakfast of Mom's strawberry pancakes, we made our way to the living room to open all the remaining presents. An endless stream of gifts flowed from under the tree from one another and from people from far and wide who love us.

Christmas morning found Amelia sitting in the chair Nana & Papa had purchased just for her. She was ready to enjoy her second Christmas. Once she opened her tiger pillow from Papa, she was transferred to her cozy stuffed pet.

Christmas afternoons shouldn't be wasted so we headed to the coast to take a peak at some beautiful waves and the marvels of God's creation on the Californian coast. My three sisters took a stroll up the beach.
That evening we sat down to a masterpiece of Mom's culinary genius. A huge, fabulous meal fit for royalty decorated the table. Many future daydreams will be filled with longings for such a meal again. Thank you, Mom!

The day following Christmas marked another monumental event. Tricia turned [censored] years old! (I can't say how old she is. I will only reveal that she's not in her twenties anymore.)
Congratulations, Tricia!

Tricia was crowned princess for the day. We celebrated with a pizza feast, roller skating, and German chocolate cake. When it came time to blow out the candles, everyone braced for Tricia to blow out the candles. Just before she blew, the candles mysteriously all went out. Everyone stared on perplexed. Then Josiah looked up with a guilty smile. He had tried to help his Aging Auntie by blowing out her candles.

Another highlight, among so many, was having Uncle Tom and Aunt Maxi come from Georgia to see us. We had a great week together. It's impossible not to have fun when you're with Uncle Tom and Aunt Maxi.

Nana graciously watched the kids so Becky and I could get away for a night by ourselves. We were able to stay at a beautiful hotel along the coast. We relaxed, hiked, ate good food, and felt spoiled. The next day our children reunited with two rejuvenated parents.

Our time went by so fast. We saw many beloved relatives and friends. There were many others we wish we could have seen. Exactly one month after we arrived, we traveled one last time over the Golden Gate Bridge on our way to the airport. Becky and I shared the feeling that our time seemed a little too short. (I guess that's better than a little too long.)


Blogger Dan said...

What size do you think Josia will be around Christmas. i.e. shoe, clothes and head? It's for a Christmas present.

7:36 AM  
Blogger Tess said...

America is a beautiful country.


9:29 AM  

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