Sunday, March 04, 2007


We walked out of our house this morning to go to church to find that it had snowed during the night. After several weeks of unseasonably warm weather, this snowfall came as quite a suprise!

We had just decided it was time to begin shedding a few extra layers. So Josiah didn't wear gloves, and Becky didn't even wear a regular jacket. On top of all that I had just shined my shoes the night before.

It probably won't stick around for very long, but we'll enjoy it while we've got it.


Blogger Leo said...

You have a lovely family.

My oldest son is named Josiah. We were inspired by the great King and trust that our Josiah will serve Christ as faithfully as his name sake. I only pray that he chooses his battles more wisely.

9:57 AM  

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