Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Planning to take a ferry from Qingdao to Korea, we decided to spend several days relaxing in Qingdao. We had a very good time. Josiah went a long way toward conquering his fear of water. However, his greatest love continued to be building stuff in the sand.

While there we got to catch up with our friends, Paul and Becky German and their children. They were a big blessing when they watched our children for an afternoon, which allowed Becky and me to get away and celebrate her birthday by enjoying an exquisite lunch in a fancy revolving restaurant.

One evening we met up with Kenny and Jeremy, two of my fellow colleagues. They were in Qingdao at the same time as us just seeing the sites. We had a fun dinner together.

Our best times were spent in the sand and in the water. One evening at about 9:00, I decided to take a night swim. Then just as I walked out of our hotel, it began to rain. I figured I was planning to get wet anyway, so I continued to the beach. Once I was in the water, it began to pour. What a thrilling experience to be in God's beautiful creation watching as the water splashed into the surf and seeing the power of my Creator all around me.

Becky was reluctant to get very wet because she worried about staying modest, and taking care of us. On the last day, I at least got her to get totally wet one time. Skirt and all, she went for a swim. She had a blast!

Qingdao is a beautiful city, and Becky, Josiah, and Amelia are great companions. So by the time we boarded our ferry, we were very refreshed.


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