Thursday, August 30, 2007

An amusing day

While in Korea, we enjoyed a special day at an amusement park in Taegu. We exhausted ourselves riding rides, and then we ate a fancy meal atop the Taegu tower. That evening when it was time to go home, Josiah was still ready to ride 'just one more.'

The "Militar Marine" commander needs a little help...

Out for a gallop escorting the Queen...

Super Ace Josiah and his Halmony ruthlessly chased through the sky by Two Super Beauties!
This is how Amelia found her amusement after a couple of hours...

Josiah's favorite was the log ride. This is the first of four times...

Josiah was in his element with so many vehicles...

We found a water slip down a hill that kept us busy for at least a dozen tries...

A wonderful day...


Blogger Ruhiyyih Rose said...

What an amazing adventure! I miss China so much and it is so great to see your pictures and see the kiddos getting so big! What a wonderful time, and a great city :)

9:52 PM  

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