Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dad's 70th Birthday

After disembarking from a ferry in Inchon and getting through customs, we were whisked away by one of our Korean uncles straight to Seoul where preparation for Dad's surprise birthday party were underway. We arrived at the restaurant only an hour before the scheduled start. We quickly threw ourselves into helping Esther, a cousin who had done much of the preliminary work, set up and decorate.

Gradually, the whole Korean side of the family assembled. There was lots of drama as we awaited the arrival of the "Birthday Boy" with his entourage (Mom and Aunt Haesuk). He seemed duly surprised as he walked in to be greeted by our rousing course of "Happy Birthday."

We had a good time being with family and getting better acquainted while eating a delicious buffet lunch. Josiah, even with the language barrier, had a blast with his Korean cousins .

After lunch, Dad was crowned with an extravagant birthday hat. We had more birthday songs, followed by cake and ice cream (vanilla and green tea flavors).

At some point taking family pictures became the rage. Several hundred poses later, we began our farewells. Lots of hugging and hand shaking filled the scene as folks slowly departed. Before long, the survivors all left together to our various vehicles. We waved our last goodbyes as our van pulled out of the parking garage headed for Daegu and home with our full tummies and our happy hearts.

It was quite a party celebrating quite a feat. Seventy years old is quite a milestone.


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