Friday, October 19, 2007

President Bush honors the Dalai Lama

President Bush honored the Dalai Lama this week. The bastion of freedom heralded the cause of a man who has sought for, fought for, preached for, and lived for the opportunity to go back to his country and again become its dictator. Of course, the people would welcome him back with open arms because they have no other choice. In their view, he already holds absolute power over their souls. Therefore they are obligated to restore to him absolute power over their government if the chance presents itself.

Few understand the bondage Tibetan Buddhism has created in the land it dominates. The country was located in the middle of several of the world's greatest cultures, and yet the people were among the most backward on the planet while the Dalai Lamas ruled them.

The Dalai Lama held them with something far more powerful than fire and sword. He wielded (and still does) spiritual terror as his greatest weapon. If you are not convinced, go look at the art and pictures lamas use to terrorize their victims into submission. These graphically display an afterlife as horrible as any torture chamber on earth only with the exception that death has no releasing power in the Buddhist Hell because death has already occurred.

This is just the beginning. Transmigration (sometimes called reincarnation) means that a person may come back as a new person after death. A person's future existence is decided by factors in his present life. To offend the Dalai Lama would have great repercussions in this life and those to follow. In essence, Tibetan Buddhist leadership has held the Tibetan people hostage for centuries. Now the Dalai Lama aims to reinstate total control of the Tibetan state as well as their religion. He preaches tolerance all around to world to ignorant, gullible people who know nothing of Tibet's history, but he has never renounced his goal to shackle his people politically as well as spiritually. Nor has he ever denounced the regimes that preceded him in Tibet.

Tibetan Buddhism knows nothing in its history of democracy, freedom or peace. There, fear is far deeper than that suffered in war or physical danger. Even now there are little old people prostrating themselves over and over in the dirt as they endlessly circle lamaseries. They do this out of terror of what they may face in the next life. Every true Tibetan Buddhist lives in fear. That is why they willingly waste hour after hour mindlessly spinning pray wheels while reciting mind numbing chants over and over. They must. They have nothing greater to live for. The more devout and sincere a person is, the more the fear is evident.

Welcome to the world of the Dalai Lama's people. Imagine if he once again held all power!

I support my President on most issues, but this time he is wrong. This may win him a few points with the Left, but the Left gives out points for anything but reason.

Deposed dictators are still bad men. The Dalai Lama still dictates to his people spiritually and lusts for the chance to do so again politically.

In a pitiful bid to honor courage, we rewarded craftiness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Maricles, I lost the address to your blog and just recently found it again. Hope things are going well in your new place!! Take Care-The Carltons

3:29 AM  

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